


Matt Jones Matt Jones

Building Wellness & UV-C Technology

We recognise tremendous potential for this technology in high-traffic, shared locations throughout Australian schools. Examples include General Learning Areas, Performing Arts Centres, Lecture Theatres, Gymnasiums, Staffrooms and other high-occupancy environments. Lifts and Entryways are also great targets – anywhere with high foot-traffic and concentrated people/sqm or surface contact.

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Matt Jones Matt Jones

Mamachi And LeadSun – Lighting Australia’s School Grounds

School energy costs are firmly back in the spotlight following significant jumps in 2017. In a trend echoed around the country many schools within Victoria, for instance, have seen between 16% and 24% increase in their cost of energy as contracts rolled over.

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Matt Jones Matt Jones

Schools Ask, “Where To Next On The Energy Journey?”

School energy costs are firmly back in the spotlight following significant jumps in 2017. In a trend echoed around the country many schools within Victoria, for instance, have seen between 16% and 24% increase in their cost of energy as contracts rolled over.

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