Specialised Auditing

Our Audits create a validated, quantitative, and documented repository of information (the data) which creates or centralises Building, Asset and Infrastructure information from often disparate sources. The result is a single, uniform and consistent data structure that enable aggregation and management of all Audited locations.

Data Capture & Specialised Auditing Services


Half the Battle in any strategy is having current, accurate Building and Asset information. We provide Specialised Auditing Services nationally through a combination of people, process and technology

The deliverable is a single, uniform output that collates and centralises Site, Asset and Infrastructure across key identified metrics including the technology and its attributes, performance characteristics, location, condition and relationships. Our process integrates existing documentation such as floorplans, maintenance records and asset lists to create a single source of truth which feeds into the resulting data set and can be easily maintained or ingested by subsequent systems (Design Tools, Asset Management Software, FInancial Packages).


National Reach

Our expansive network of qualified, skilled and unskilled Auditors enables us to address any Building, anywhere at any time. We match our high quality delivery team with the Client, Project or Service requirement sought by Building Owners, Operators or Portfolio Managers. We extend our Auditing Service to Industry Consulting and Advisory Providers, Project Integrators, Energy and Carbon Managers or Retail and Distribution Businesses - supporting the End-User or Building Owner indirectly, as a third-party, white labelled Auditing solution